On the 8th of January 2018, I invested RM 9,000 into a mix of 9 promising cryptocurrencies. You’ve probably never heard of their names, though I admit some sound pretty cool, like “Stellar Lumens” and “ICX.” (Yes, apparently we still live in an era where putting “X” into anything is supposed to make it cool.)
Today, almost three years on — that RM 9,000 is worth ~RM 1,046, an 88.38% loss. It gets worse if you break it down by individual cryptocurrencies, as we’ll see later.
What happened? How did we get here? Why did someone who publicly calls himself stingy burn money on some crazy trades?
This is the story of my greatest investment loss ever.
Throwback to Q4 2017
In Q4 2017, crypto markets were at an all-time high. If you think the hype surrounding crypto today is crazy, you probably don’t realize how insane it was when Bitcoin was touching 20,000 USD. But while Bitcoin was (and has rightfully remained) king of the cryptocurrency world, there was something even hotter in the space.
People called them ICOs: Initial Coin Offerings. An innovative way to raise money for startups by giving investors cryptocurrencies (tokens/coins) in exchange for cash. Unlike traditional finance, everything was 100% done online. You didn’t have to walk into a bank or heaven forbid — even sign a single form.
Get into the right coin, and you could 10x your investment within months. Put enough into the right ICO and get out correctly, and you could retire.
Never mind the lack of government regulation and other red flags. “Fuck the old ways of investing in startups. Too slow, too many rules, and too many greedy consultants sucking up fees. Fuck that and fuck the boomers.” This was the start of a revolution. And I wanted in.
Additionally, I had just made about RM 9,000 of clean profit through a business venture. I was thinking, “This is profit money. I can afford to take risks with this.”
It was my chance to get rich quick. Only one question remained: What was I going to invest in?
Gambling Is Fun, Especially If You Think You Can Win
This isn’t an article on how to value cryptocurrencies. But if I had to give you my hot-take assessment of the thousands of cryptocurrencies that exist today, I would say:
- A few might change the world. Some would argue Bitcoin already has.
- 2% might become viable projects.
- Probably >97% will fail.
- Some are outright scams (Or as Margot Robbie in The Big Short called subprime mortgage bonds: “Shit.”)
Of course I know this today, but back in the euphoria of December 2017, this was the furthest thing from my mind. All I could think of was prices going UP.
I already owned the two most important cryptocurrencies — Bitcoin and Ethereum — which had already given me profits of >500%.
But I wasn’t satisfied. No, I was going after even bigger gains. For that, I needed to buy newer cryptos that had potential to go up 1,000%.
So I dived into the research to figure out which coins to invest in. And by “research,” I don’t mean reading investment analyst reports by JP Morgan. It wasn’t even 800-word articles on CNBC. Fuck, I was watching “Top 10 Underrated ICOs” YouTube videos and reading “Hottest ICOs This Summer” articles on dodgy websites.
So many coins, how to choose? I decided I was going to play amateur venture capitalist. RM 9,000. Invest RM 1,000 each into nine coins. Even if most die, surely one will go up 10x and make me money right?
You can probably guess what happened next.
Life Changes and Crypto Losses
I made the investments and promised myself I’d be patient. I’d give it a couple of years to rake in my profits.
And then life got busy. I started a new job and focused all my energy there. Every once in a while I’d check if my coins were making money. But apart from a few small spikes of hope, the downward trend was clear. With Bitcoin (“XBT” in the chart below) going down from its peak, every other coin was following — and almost all were performing much worse.

Eventually, I detached myself emotionally from how the coins were doing. I stopped checking in. I guess it was my internal protection mechanism for not getting upset.
Almost three years on, as of 6th September 2020, here’s how our nine coins performed (in USD terms):
- ZRX: -69.95% (Yes that’s a minus sign)
- VET: -73.43%
- OMG: -85.05% (Seriously, even if you don’t like crypto you’ve gotta admit owning some OMG is pretty cool)
- XLM: -88.11%
- ZEC: -91.38%
- MOD: -96.45% (Potentially 100%, since it’s not trading actively anymore)
- ICX: -96.52%
- NANO: -97.13%
- REQ: -98.29%
Total value: $252.06, or RM 1,046.
As the saying goes: The quickest way to have a thousand bucks is to start with nine thousand and buy a bunch of shitcoins.
WTF Were You Thinking?
It seems silly now, but in retrospect I was actually pretty confident I would make money. Wrong.
Logically, I knew most of the coins were probably going to crash. But knowing something in your mind and actually believing it’ll happen is something else.
Besides, all the hours I spent “researching” the coins convinced me I knew what I was doing. That my picks would outperform.
Why haven’t I sold? It’s gotten to the point where selling the >-95% losing ones isn’t gonna be worth the effort. A small part of me also believes some coins can recover one day. (To be fair, there are interesting things happening with ZRX, so I’m giving it time.) I’m also waiting for another spike in the Bitcoin price — to see if that rising tide will lift my sinking shits.
I don’t regret anything, but did I learn some lessons? Hell yeah.
Lessons From Burning Money
- Trying to get rich quick usually makes you lose money.
- Prices cannot go up forever. But in the heat of the moment, you can be blinded by greed. You convince yourself into doing crazy shit.
- Don’t underestimate the time cost of monitoring investments. It’s easy to monitor one asset. But monitoring 20 can be a full-time job, which most of us don’t have time for.
- I am not a venture capitalist.
- Understand you might lose everything when investing in speculative assets. Only use extra money you don’t need.
- If you’re serious about not losing money, set exit prices and be disciplined about getting out.
- Be cautious when people are overly excited about any money-making thing. As the old saying goes: When even your cab driver is talking about it, it’s time to sell.
The Silver Lining
Last week, as I started writing this, I was angry. It was painful revisiting my greatest loss.
But today, looking back I can’t help feeling a sense of nostalgia. That feeling of exuberance in the air in late 2017; of feeling invincible; that our time had come. That we, the agents of decentralization were going to take over the world. Those are vibes I haven’t felt for a long time. It was naive of me back then — it was way too early. But it felt like something special.
The world of cryptocurrency has since moved on from ICOs. Today, the hot trend is DeFi, where we’re starting to hear of incredible gains in short times again. I’m heeding my own advice — I haven’t had time to study deeply, so I’ve stayed away.
Meanwhile, Bitcoin and Ethereum continue to march on. Despite not recovering to their all-time highs yet, I’m more bullish than ever. Especially as more and more governments and traditional institutions continue to get into cryptocurrencies.
If you’re interested in crypto, I think starting with a bit of “experiment money” in Bitcoin is a good idea. I wrote a detailed article about why here.
And if you’ve lost money investing before, I hope you can also get over the pain, and use that as a lesson too. What’s the story of your greatest investment loss ever? Feel free to share in the comments.
Some lessons are expensive, but hey, what’s valuable that isn’t?
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Pic from Pexels: Rozemarijn van Kampen
Hi Aaron, I am older than you by several years but you are certainly more mature and established in money matters.
I am embarassed that I have not put much thought/effort into making my money working harder.
Thank you for your website. I think many people lose money by overspending or other bad investments so i think spending 5k to 10k (depending on how much disposable income one has ) -> to get a piece of potential ‘gold’ in crypto, is not a bad thing.
Do you recommend I set aside a sum, say 5k to try out bitcoin via something like Luno, etc.
Thanks Foo,
You have absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about. Everyone’s journey is different, and I’m glad you’re taking action to make yours better.
For starting to invest in Bitcoin, it’s almost impossible for me to give a recommendation as I don’t know much about your personal situation. As a general rule of thumb though, please only invest an amount you’re willing to lose, and start small. Also, please ensure your personal finances are in good shape (i.e. you have emergency savings, and other less volatile investments), before investing significantly into crypto.
All the best!
I just want to say that from your blog I have actually take a shallow dive into the world of crypto myself. Started to buy btc before the tiny weeny ‘bullrun’ of Btc to about 12k. FOMO effect I guess. Anyway, started out with a Luno account that time.. but I somehow really wanted to get some more action/exposure with other alts coins. So got onto another wallet which have much more choice of altcoins..and well it a hell of a ride at the moment.. I think icx and vet will probably do well in the longer run. Just hodl!!
Thanks for sharing Vt! Stay safe and hopefully things work out in the altcoin world too!
The problem of most altcoins or tokens have are that they don’t have alot of real world use case.. So meaning not much mass adoption, less public interest and end of the day it become another sh!t coin, dying a very slow and painful death. To find any crypto gem is like finding a needle in a haystack and somehow it’s depending whether you are at the right place and at the right time.
Actually, I was experimenting with Uniswap app recently and installed a metamask wallet just to see what is it all about, did some transaction from another wallet just for the fun of it and what happen next is Uniswap decided to distribute their own token(400 UNI TOKEN) to every wallet that made ANY transaction thru Uniswap. Oh boy…alot of people was smiling that day. 400 Tokens x ~5.00 = ~USD2K…and just like that crypto just made my day pretty sweet. But anyway, crypto can wreck you really bad too. I threw in rm7k into crypto before that, and when bitcoin drop below 11k, alot of altcoins drop further in percentage very fast. It will be a hell of a ride but a very interesting one. Crypto can make and break you at the same time. Cheers!
Hi VT,
Thanks for dropping by! Yeah, indeed crypto can break you if you’re not careful. Nice to hear about the UNI tokens! Are you hodling or selling?
Hi Aaron,
Thanks for the reply. For the Uni tokens, 200 tokens was sold at ~4.70ish. Missed the price when it was popping higher than usd7-8, but it doesn’t matter much because the tokens was free money from Uniswap. The other 200 tokens will be hodl until it reaches..to the moon maybe 🙂 , I think it could reach about usd10ish before going down again in the next bull market. With extra ‘play’ money into the portfolio, I just DCA whenever the price tanks. My portfolio at the moment are : UNI, ICX, ADA, VET, ETH, ATOM, BNB, ZIL. I do have some BTC for long term hodling and dca in whenever possible also.
But I always remind myself that all this cryptocurrency hype can go to ZERO really fast when sh!t hits the fan. Good example, is the DEFI token “sushi”; the price drops from ~usd10 to ~usd1.80 now. Ouch..
@The funny thing is, Malaysia are pretty quiet on the crypto scene front, but surprisingly Malaysia is listed as one of the higher hashrate country for mining BTC* read it in some article..really don’t make sense to me, that literally nobody is talking about crypto here in Malaysia..weird. Cheers.
Hi VT,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and portfolio too. I’m very hopeful for some of those you have!
As for the miners… I really need to start figuring out who/where they are haha
Now is time to buy silver. when nobody cares
Have some silver myself from a couple years back. Really glad I bought into it then.